Alternative Careers in Architectural Photography, ft. Chris Hopkinson

Alternative Careers in Architectural Photography, ft. Chris Hopkinson


Often we've talked here on the Architecture Social about alternative careers in Architecture. Whether it's architectural journalism, moving to a developer or becoming an Architectural Photographer.

Often we've talked here on the Architecture Social about alternative careers in Architecture. Whether it's architectural journalism, moving to a developer or becoming an Architectural Photographer.

I thought it wouldn't be helpful to speak to people who studied Architecture and practised in the Industry who have gone on to do great things in other parts of our industry in different careers so we can learn a thing or two.

On that note, I'm joined by the fantastic Chris Hopkinson who I met several years ago, back then he was doing his Part 3 - now he has put down the pencil (or more realistically these days, the mouse!) to pick up the camera as a photographer.

With a few awards under his belt already in a short period of time, join me for an informal chat to learn more about this career change and ask any other questions you may have in an interactive show.

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